Dr. Ingrid Mitchell
per item
Choose a session number or build your own package: combine 2 or designate your teacher or parent training needs. Each session (1) will be allotted (1.5) hours @ $250.00
Schoolwide Professional Development Based on Data Review of Reading/Literacy
- Analyze Quantitative & Qualitative Results
- Review Data Results by Subject Area or Particular Subgroups
- Interpret Benchmark Results Based on Formative Assessments
- Mentor Struggling Teachers with Developmental Sessions & Resources
- Provide Walk-Through that is Focused on Data-Driven Teaching with combined lesson plan delivery
- Observe and record best practices for classroom management techniques
- Home to School Academic Support
- Schools Need Your House to Be “A”: Literacy Based Home
- Numeracy and Literacy Activities for The Home
- What can I do to help my child be successful at school?: Practical Tips and Strategies
- It’s Test Time: How can I maximize my home to help my child be proficient on standardized tests?